Body Worn Cameras – PURCHASED
The Omaha Police Department (OPD) is requesting funding to purchase 600 Body Worn Cameras (BWC) to fully equip its Uniform Patrol Bureau (UPB) officers as well as a select number of strategically critical units, such as the Gang Unit, and the Emergency Response Unit.
Durable, functional, body worn camera technology has been an effective tool for Omaha law enforcement use, and the citizens of Omaha have come to expect its police officers to utilize this technology. Recently the technology has evolved to include auto-activation, triggering the cameras to automatically engage in certain events. And while the use of BWCs by OPD officers has positively impacted the City of Omaha, there is great need to increase the number of BWCs that are available to officers for use on the streets of Omaha.
Research has proven that the use of BWCs has led to a reduced number of citizen complaints and lawsuits filed against agencies, as well as a reduced amount of use of force incidents. Research also suggests the costs associated with prosecution such as officer court pay may be reduced for agencies whose officers wear BWCs as cases with video evidence may result in more guilty pleas and/or fewer trials. Body worn cameras also have been shown to have the potential to increase public trust in police agencies, as officers who wear the cameras capture an impartial record of events.

Mobile Command & Communications Center – PURCHASED
The Omaha Police Foundation is pleased to announce the successful conclusion of its fundraising initiative for the Mobile Command and Communications Center. This important piece of equipment has been ordered and will be delivered in Spring 2018.
This vehicle will be utilized in the most critically sensitive operations including barricade situations, officer-involved shooting scenes and homicide scenes. The center will be designed and engineered to house command officers, support staff and crisis negotiators and will be used during emergencies, major natural disasters, as well as high-traffic events where OPD maintains crowd control, such as the College World Series. The cost of this new piece of equipment is $802,000.
Mobile Crime Lab – PURCHASED
The Omaha Police Foundation is pleased to announce the successful conclusion of its fundraising initiative for the Mobile Crime Lab. This important piece of equipment has been delivered to the Omaha Police Department.
This vehicle will enable OPD officers to process evidence found at crime scenes faster and more efficiently. The desired vehicle is a Sirchie Model MCL-550/18F Heavy Duty Mobile Crime Lab. The cost is $194,510.